by Gaye | Feb 17, 2017 | Comments
Thank you for the extraordinary experience of your workshop. I’m still deeply in touch with the peace and permission that came, and a sense of mysterious possibility is quietly making itself known. XXX reminded me yesterday that I said to her how wonderful it...
by Gaye | Feb 15, 2017 | Comments
So nice to have seen you and be part of another amazing day of dissolving blocks and uncovering human potential and connection. I am always surprised and inspired by this work and your skill in helping us all free ourselves from family issues both past and present....
by Gaye | Feb 15, 2017 | Comments
Thank you so much for Friday – I had a fabulous day and had no idea why I was there but feel so much better as a result of being present in the room. I definitely feel that I have had an energy shift which is a welcome gift – I have been feeling stuck and...
by Gaye | Feb 15, 2017 | Comments
I just wanted to say how much I appreciated the workshop yesterday and the wonderful array of stories that were shared and that you facilitated magnificently. I so admired your presence, your quietness and your eloquence. For me, I found affirmation and more questions...
by Gaye | Feb 15, 2017 | Comments
Thank you so much for a wonderful day of constellations. I so enjoyed it! I was being collected so I rushed off quickly at the end of the day and felt I wanted to drop you a line to tell you how I feel. I will definitely be back for more! It is truly enriching being...
by Gaye | Feb 15, 2017 | Comments
Thanks for a sweet, deep memorable day, sooo beautifully held by you and such a lovely...
by Gaye | Feb 15, 2017 | Comments
I know I said my thanks on Wednesday, but having had some time over the weekend to reflect on the work we did, I am more fully appreciating the enormity of what you held for me and for us all and have been feeling a need to connect and acknowledge you more deeply for...
by Gaye | Feb 15, 2017 | Comments
I’d like to say a huge thank you to you for your work, it brought invaluable clearance and guidance to my...
by Gaye | Feb 15, 2017 | Comments
Just wanted to thank you for such a profound and universal experience between us all on friday. Such an amazing day, emotionally, physically, and mentally. It’s so hard to put into words or clarify what we all experienced but you are a wonderful lady with...
by Gaye | Feb 15, 2017 | Comments
Thank you so very much for the incredible work today. I bow to you in gratitude for the access to, and awareness of connections that I couldn’t/wouldn’t allow myself to feel before. If you have a book, I want it, and if you don’t you should definitely write... by Gaye | Sep 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! by Gaye | Aug 28, 2015 | Blog
New finding is first example in humans of the theory of epigenetic inheritance: the idea that environmental factors can affect the genes of your children By Helen Thomson Printed in The Guardian... by Gaye | Aug 23, 2015 | Blog
Vulnerability is not a weakness, a passing indisposition, or something we can arrange to do without, vulnerability is not a choice, vulnerability is the underlying, ever present and abiding under-current of our natural state. David...
by Gaye | Jul 6, 2015 | Comments
I’d just like to thank you for your enormously skillful facilitation of all of our issues on Friday. I found the whole thing fascinating and very moving and it also made me think a lot about my family and its roots going back in time which I don’t think I...
by Gaye | May 22, 2015 | Comments
Thank you for such a deeply moving and enlightening day. It felt an honour and a blessing to represent in so many constellations. The magnetic pull to be present on that day was profound, and equally so was all that was revealed in the moment and which continues to...
by Gaye | Apr 20, 2015 | Comments
I have been meaning to write to you and say thank you for the constellation experience. I was struck by the calm strength of your energy and the depth of compassion you were holding for everyone in each system. It was quite wonderful to...
by Gaye | Apr 8, 2015 | Comments
Hi Gaye, Thank you so very much for coming to London to run the Song of Dina workshop yesterday. It was, as ever, a joy to work with you – such inspiring and hugely enlightening, revelatory work. In one day we have made huge progress with the project and your... by Gaye | Apr 8, 2015 | Blog
‘It is easy to forget how mysterious and mighty stories are. They do their work in silence, invisibly. They work with all the internal materials of the mind and self. They become part of you while changing you. Beware the stories you read or tell; subtly, at...
by Gaye | Apr 8, 2015 | Comments
Just wanted to say thank you so much for a fantastic day yesterday. The constellation concept has been a revelation to me and, yes I am now a convert! Your warmth and gentle and subtle insight into everything that was going on in the room (and in our heads) was...
by Gaye | Mar 10, 2015 | Comments
Thanks again for yesterday. Powerful would be an understatement. I’m sure I will be processing it for...
by Gaye | Mar 10, 2015 | Comments
Thank you for facilitating the beautiful work we did on Saturday – it was a very moving and powerful experience for... by Gaye | Mar 9, 2015 | Blog
... by Gaye | Mar 5, 2015 | Blog
Before we were conceived, we existed in part as an egg in our mother’s ovary. All the eggs a woman will every carry form in her ovaries while she is a four month old fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of...
by Gaye | Jan 13, 2015 | Comments
I trust this email finds you well. I have in my mind the willingness to write you a ‘thank you’ email for your help and knowledge during the workshop in London on the xxxx. It was deeply healing. the following day I felt something had shifted and I am... by Gaye | Jan 13, 2015 | Blog
Depression and an Immigrant’s Struggle to Assimilate by Roger Cohen in the International New York Times JANUARY 9, 2015 NEVER before have so many people been on the move. New opportunity, like a bright star, draws immigrants across the world. In every one of the past...
by Gaye | Dec 22, 2014 | Comments
I would just like to say on behalf of both xxx and myself, thank you for facilitating our participation in such an incredible...
by Gaye | Dec 22, 2014 | Comments
I want to say a really big thank you for starting the day with my issue. I feel as though something very far upstream has been unblocked which is slowly trickling down and through me. I’m pretty sure that something huge has shifted although I suspect it will... by Gaye | Oct 31, 2014 | Blog
The Soul is Slow ... by Gaye | Sep 17, 2014 | Blog
I received an email today from a participant at a constellation workshop this week… he said that the experience reminded him of this poem by Robert Frost. it is lovely, so here it is… The SILKEN TENT by ROBERT FROST She is as in a field a silken... by Gaye | Sep 8, 2014 | Blog
What happens when the treatment method that works best makes no sense in traditional psychology? That is the dilemma of Systemic Constellations. It’s an interesting alternate treatment method based on the idea that consciousness can and should be treated at the... by Gaye | Sep 4, 2014 | Blog
If you say it isn’t possible, then you have closed the door. And if you say it is possible, you have also closed the door. But if you say, ‘Let’s find out,’ then you are open to it, you are eager to find out. J. Krishnamurti, from This Light in...
by Gaye | Sep 4, 2014 | Comments
Dear Gaye. What a constellation that was, and still is impacting me profoundly! Thank you for your ability to stretch and hold such depth….. By the way I love your 7 generation tree…a reminder that we are part of nature’s many patterns and...
by Gaye | Sep 4, 2014 | Comments
I hope this finds you well…. I want to thank you for facilitating the most amazing day, the workshop was a truly wonderful experience. An experience that has no... by Gaye | Jun 18, 2014 | Blog
Here is a beautiful poem written and sent to me by Samar Zebian, who is working with Healing the Wounds of History. It is beautiful….. Gatekeeper don’t you see, You, him, her and me Are the gate, the lock and key Give up your knotted brow Let go of the... by Gaye | Jun 16, 2014 | Blog
Here is an interesting article written by Molly S. Castelloe in May 2012 Holding the Secret History of our Ancestors What is overwhelming and un-namable is passed on to those we are closest to. Our loved ones carry what we cannot. And we do the same. This is the... by Gaye | Jun 15, 2014 | Blog
“There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.” George... by Gaye | May 27, 2014 | Blog
Zamolxis, …says further, “That as you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without the head, or the head without the body, so neither ought you to attempt to cure the body without the soul; and this,” he said, “is the reason why the cure of... by Gaye | Apr 29, 2014 | Blog
Here is a recent article that appeared in the new Hoffman Magazine. A copy of the publication is available from The Hoffman Institute. by Gaye | Apr 24, 2014 | Blog
“Vulnerability is not weakness – it is the most accurate measurement of courage” Brene Brown by Gaye | Apr 18, 2014 | Blog
Photographs By PIETER HUGO Text by SUSAN DOMINUS 20 years after the genocide in Rwanda, reconciliation still happens one encounter at a time….. These images and the enormity of the story behind them make very special viewing…. do take a look. It is a... by Gaye | Apr 18, 2014 | Blog
Eventually I discovered for myself the utterly simple prescription for creativity: be intensely yourself. Don’t try to be outstanding; don’t try to be a success; don’t try to do pictures for others to look at – just please yourself. ...
by Gaye | Mar 19, 2014 | Comments
Dear Gaye, here are some observations from the constellations I have attended: I have been studying Qigong for over 20 years and there is always a Qi (energy) field created in the room which is supportive and healing. With your constellations i always sense a... by Gaye | Mar 14, 2014 | Blog
Here is an article that appeared in The Sunday Times on 2nd March that gives credence to trans-generational memory. Isn’t it wonderful to know that with all this rather alarming information increasingly appearing in scientific papers that there is something that...
by Gaye | Mar 10, 2014 | Comments
I’m so sorry I had to dash off at the end. I had to collect my dog from my daughters before she went out. I want to thank you for the impeccable way you do your work. It was quit extraordinary. I am still digesting all that happened. Warmest wishes and...
by Gaye | Mar 10, 2014 | Comments
I am writing to thank you for the splendid workshop on Friday. I was very moved by the experience. You have a beautiful voice and were able to get to the nuts and bolts of a situation very quickly. I was particularly moved whenever you said: “Tell... by Gaye | Feb 12, 2014 | Blog
The trans-generational influences that we so powerfully experience at a somatic level when working with the Systemic Constellation approach have now been proven to be ‘real’. Of course, those of us who have been benefitting from this work for years will... by Gaye | Feb 2, 2014 | Blog
Happy New Year to you all! Apart from my personal love of horses and wishing to share my delight that we are now in the year of the horse, I thought this beautifully written piece gives us all food for thought about the coming year. Enjoy! Posted by Western School of... by Gaye | Nov 19, 2013 | Blog
The world, I’ve come to think, is like the surface of a frozen lake. We walk along, we slip, we try to keep our balance and not to fall. One day, there’s a crack, and so we learn that underneath us — is an unimaginable depth. James Joyce As i walked...
by Gaye | Nov 19, 2013 | Comments
Just a quick note to say thank you for a truly inspiring day on Saturday. Being my first time and not really knowing what to expect and how this all works, I was more than impressed. Having reflected more on all the various constellation last night, I have found a lot...
by Gaye | Nov 19, 2013 | Comments
So….all these women….losses and sadness and self-reliance [in the family]. I will have to let all this sit. Thank you for your role in clarifying this confusing line. My trust in the constellation is intact, now I need to find the courage to release this...
by Gaye | Nov 19, 2013 | Comments
Thanks again for Saturday. I am enjoying a few days of calmer life – at least by my standards. A lot of moving through me, mainly my head, but somewhere else as...
by Gaye | Nov 19, 2013 | Comments
[After a constellation…] I’m also finding I am feeling extremely strong renewed love for xxxxx in a way only a living person could. I wonder if many people report after a constellation feeling like Scrooge discovering that it’s still Christmas. So I...
by Gaye | Nov 19, 2013 | Comments
I just wanted to say thank you for Friday. It is so humbling but also uplifting to be able to participate in the healing processes that can take place for everyone involved in a constellation. I really felt that people were able to take away with them some... by Gaye | Oct 23, 2013 | Blog, Uncategorized
This is worth passing on I think…. prayer is a form used in Systemic Constellations, as is the power of evocation. This is a wonderful wish to evoke peace and wellbeing for us all. I wish you a peaceful day! Today may there be peace within. May you trust that... by Gaye | Oct 18, 2013 | Blog
We had an eclipse of the moon in Aires today at 11.51 GMT. This eclipse offers us an opportunity to feel into the desire of our heart rather than follow the dreams and the truths of others (more information here). Another eclipse will occur on 3rd November in Scorpio.... by Gaye | Oct 13, 2013 | Blog
When each person is in the right place; When each is being true to what is important to that person; When each is attending to his or her own life and not interfering with the others; Then everyone has dignity and self-esteem and feels good Acknowledging What... by Gaye | Oct 2, 2013 | Blog
Author and legendary conservationist Lawrence Anthony died March 7. His family tells of a solemn procession on March 10 that defies human explanation Lawrence Anthony, a legend in South Africa who bravely...
by Gaye | Sep 25, 2013 | Comments
…. During the weekend, there was an incredible feeling we were all supported in an energy field of love and compassion for ourselves and our own family members. You have the skill to gently facilitate issues being brought to the surface and resolved in a magical...
by Gaye | Sep 25, 2013 | Comments
I wanted to say thank you very much for a special experience today. I am not exactly sure what went on, but I know it was profound and moved me immensely. I look forward to seeing how the coming chapter unfolds and will keep you posted. Warmest wishes and much...
by Gaye | Sep 25, 2013 | Comments
I have been meaning to contact you regarding the training that I attended recently, it was quite profound and I definitely would like to do more work with you. It was great meeting you and I am excited about this way of working and look forward to participating again....
by Gaye | Sep 25, 2013 | Comments
Just to say again how wonderful the day was and to thank you again. You have real gift to tune into people (I am totally in awe!) and a really lovely energy. I feel so lucky to have been pointed in your direction, to have met...
by Gaye | Sep 25, 2013 | Comments
I want to thank you again for a truly amazing workshop. Your guidance and interventions were intuitive and...
by Gaye | Sep 25, 2013 | Comments
Thanks for another amazing day last friday…a great group that bonded so quickly and it really felt as if i was working on my own family with several of the other constellations. (which i know is often how it works). Some great dissolving and breaking through for... by Gaye | Aug 13, 2013 | Blog
Tarpana – Gratifying Your Ancestors I was very fortunate to spend February this year in India undertaking a purification retreat at the Somatheeram Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala. It is a very beautiful place and in a previous blog posting you can see pictures of the...
by Gaye | Aug 12, 2013 | Comments
I wanted time to settle before writing to say thank you for an enriching week, and to give feedback. I hadn’t truly forgiven my mother after Hoffman and the chaotic constellation has helped me let go. Feeling that I could never straighten and clear all those... by Gaye | Jun 21, 2013 | Blog
“Is there anything I can do to make myself enlightened?” the seeker asked the teacher. “As little as you can do to make the sun rise in the morning,” the teacher answered. “Then of what use are the spiritual exercises you... by Gaye | Jun 18, 2013 | Blog
Last month I was working with Dawn Eagle Woman. We had a very busy time with Wisdom Circle Constellation workshops around the country and her own evening gatherings and sessions. Enriching and intense, with moments of joy and much laughter too. Our workshops together... by Gaye | Jun 12, 2013 | Blog
When describing the constellation process at the beginning of a workshop I might say something like: ‘we start the work with a conversation… first, we will talk together until we have gently uncovered your deepest longing, your heart’s desire – the place of your... by Gaye | Apr 5, 2013 | Blog
This mornings Today Programme on Radio 4 discussed a recent Lifestyle Survey compiled by the Office for National Statistics which has identified changes in social trends in Britain over the past 40 years. Along with an unprecedented rise in the number... by Gaye | Apr 5, 2013 | Blog
by Gaye | Apr 5, 2013 | Blog
A 6pm stroll along the beach in Kerala during February. Seascapes and private reflection. [fve][/fve]
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I have to thank you SO much for the constellation you did with me last year. I couldn’t imagine how it was going to shift anything with my sister, but at least I had gained a new and fresh perspective on the problem. But at Christmas the miracle happened! After...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I just wanted to write to thank you for the workshop I attended. The day proved to be a truly memorable and positive experience for me and I am sure that it will stay with me for many years to come. You have such wonderful presence and are very gifted in your chosen...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
A big thank you to you for the fantastic workshop at the weekend. I was really impressed by the calm assured way you ran the workshop, and so grateful for all your help, thank...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I just wanted to thank you for a really stunning, fascinating day. Such an eye-opener. It was hard work, very interesting, and also gave us the bonus of help in dealing with one of our family issues. Really, quite transformational and hugely beneficial, as well as...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
It was such a pleasure to see you in action. I very much want constellation work to be available locally in the West Country in a way that makes it accessible, so that I can refer friends to the work. I wrote a number of detailed comments after the workshop about what...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
Having now done two workshops with you, I can honestly say that they have both been very rewarding experiences. I came initially as a skeptic but very quickly experienced profound emotional shifts in my life. I have done many workshops and therapy groups over the...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I’m sure you are used to receiving compliments at the end of these sessions, but I wanted you to know how much I appreciated your calm shepherding of the group over the last two days. Empathetic, considerate, positive, leading, supportive, supreme competence, are...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I wanted to thank you for the workshop that I came to in Bristol, as I was hugely affected by the experience. Not only is the work intriguing and inspirational, it also facilitated some profound changes in both my perspective and my family dynamic, the benefits of...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I attended your constellation workshop a few months ago and we worked with the issue of the confused identity of my son and his great grandfather. Just thought I’d drop you a line to say that after many, many stagnant years something has at last shifted for him! At...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I have been so remiss in writing to say how very much I enjoyed the constellations workshop at Nine Springs – I was impressed by your consummate professionalism and sensitive handling of the...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
You do fantastic work Gaye and you make it feel a very safe and secure environment in which to do the work…..thank you. I’m really looking forward to doing more with you over time. I’ve also been spreading the work so you might find a few more Irish...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
Just a quick note to say thank you very much for a week end I find hard to find words to describe. I am now single and embarking on a new phase in my life with more self confidence, more empathy and understanding of other people’s emotions and I like my own...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I just wanted to express my gratitude for such an amazing and powerful day on Saturday. I am still benefiting from the peace I found in being shown a new perspective....
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I wanted to thank you for the constellation workshop in London on Friday. It felt very powerful, and I thought you held the energy of the whole group very well, it felt very safe to work in that...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
Many thanks for such a skillfully managed and insightful day. I am amazed at how spot on my constellation was for me. Besides also having resonated with others stories while just watching, I am fascinated by what it means to take part as a representative and would...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
Thank you so much for the Constellation workshop. It was a privilege to watch other peoples constellations unfold and to be a part of their stories, both as a participant and as an energised onlooker. I was so glad to do my own constellation and I was truly amazed and...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I wanted to thank you for such an effective, intense, and somewhat mysterious experience last week. I still marvel at the insight gained not only during my constellation work but also everyone else’s…. I now know that my light bulb moment could not have...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
“Thank You” seems completely and utterly inadequate after Fridays constellations workshop. I am awed. I am grateful. And I am...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I really think my personal constellation has been and will be brilliant for me. I was trying to pin my grief on everything other than what happened in the previous generation and yet of course it is where it belonged. Its like Ive been looking at life through a narrow...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
Just wanted to say thank you for facilitating such an enlightening day yesterday. I came away with plenty to think about. Though watching and participating in other peoples constellations I was able to become aware of some of my own family patterns hitherto hidden...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I wanted to write and thank you for the Constellations workshop you held last Saturday. You created a safe space for us to work and I feel I learned so much, not only from my constellation, but also from witnessing and being a representative for other peoples...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
Many thanks for the powerful workshop on Saturday…flashlights have been popping all week and windows of understanding opening…also on Sunday my daughter phoned saying she had been called back to the UK at very short notice for a work interview which would...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I am almost afraid to say it but my daughter has been amazing in the last week. She has started cuddling me and telling me how much she loves me. She is still a little bit apprehensive if I initiate the cuddle and kiss but we have had the kind of peace in our house...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I just wanted to touch base with you and write briefly of the deep gratitude i feel toward you and your work… having worked my own constellation this time i felt determined to share the effects…..i felt the next day like i was in the swell of a big wave...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I just wanted to send huge gratitude to you from myself and xxx for the constellation day we attended in February. It was a really special day for us and the work touched us deeply, more even than we knew on the day. We are very thankful to you for holding the space...
by Gaye | Feb 25, 2013 | Comments
I came to your constellation workshop this summer, and I just wanted to write to you to say what an incredibly moving and life altering experience it was. I am sure people say it all the time, but I wanted to thank you in any case, and say how much I appreciate the...
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