I want to say a really big thank you for starting the day with my issue. I feel as though something very far upstream has been unblocked which is slowly trickling down and through me. I’m pretty sure that something huge has shifted although I suspect it will take a while to understand exactly how it will affect things. Mostly I feel as though I have put down an incredibly heavy load – I spent most of the weekend sleeping or semi-comatose, which I think was my body’s reaction to what happened.
bert hellinger Epigenetics epigenitics evocation family constellation Family constellation courses family constellations family constellations workshop Family constellation training Family constellation training UK family constellation workshop family constellation workshops genes grandmothers Hellinger holocaust peace and reconcilliation prayer shaman systemic coaching systemic constellation systemic constellation and belonging Systemic constellation courses systemic constellation research systemic constellations systemic constellations & shamanism systemic constellations have the answer before science proves the problem systemic constellation training Systemic constellation training UK systemic constellation work systemic constellation workshop systemic constellation workshops systemic constellation workshopsrk systemic family constellations testimonial the soul is slow Transgenerational Trauma transgenerational work