Grandmothers… and us

Before we were conceived, we existed in part as an egg in our mother’s ovary. All the eggs a woman will every carry form in her ovaries while she is a four month old fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of...

The Battle to Belong

Depression and an Immigrant’s Struggle to Assimilate by Roger Cohen in the International New York Times JANUARY 9, 2015 NEVER before have so many people been on the move. New opportunity, like a bright star, draws immigrants across the world. In every one of the past...

A Systemic Constellation Experience

  I received an email today from a participant at a constellation workshop this week… he said that the experience reminded him of this poem by Robert Frost. it is lovely, so here it is… The SILKEN TENT by ROBERT FROST She is as in a field a silken...

Let’s Find Out

If you say it isn’t possible, then you have closed the door. And if you say it is possible, you have also closed the door. But if you say, ‘Let’s find out,’ then you are open to it, you are eager to find out. J. Krishnamurti, from This Light in...